
Friday, September 3, 2021

kory name in scratch

   and hold the spacebar down


  1. Great to see your technology activity today. Nice that you are in Bubble 3. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Kia ora Kory,
    Well done on getting a Friday technology activity done! I really like the colour you have used for your name, and the music you have added is a great addition. Maybe next time, you could position your name in the middle of the screen so it really pops!
    Hopefully will see you back at school soon.
    Miss Ribotton
    Awhi Token

  3. HI Kory. It looks like you had great fun working with Scratch. I didn't realise there was music until I held the space bar down. What made you choose to use cats? Great to see you working hard in your Bubble at school. Keep up the great work. Carol (TA)

  4. This is a great post because of how creative it is, this reminds me of my name in scratch. Maybe next time you could make it so the swirl doesn't make it unreadable. I look forward to seing you next post.

  5. Hi Kory it's very beautiful work


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