
Thursday, July 30, 2020

popping corn

I made pop corn with Harry and Carlos. After reading the book Pop! Pop! Pop!


  1. Hi kory did the popcorn taste good and did you make it good you can tell as more about the story pop pop pop
    By Dallas

  2. Hi Kory nice job with making the popcorn maybe you could tell us whats in the pop pop corn. Maybe next time you can put in how you made the popcorn.

  3. Hello Kory
    I liked how you added pictures to you post but maybe next time you could tell us a bit more about the book pop! pop! pop! and tell us if you put anything on the popcorn.
    Did the popcorn taste good.
    Have a great day from Emma.

  4. Kia Ora Kory
    My favorite snack is popcorn maybe you can teach me how to make it.
    Looks like Harry and Carlos are having fun making it as well, I love the book pop! pop! pop! its real funny.
    Did the popcorn taste good:)


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