
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

blog posts anisec


  1. Hi Kory it's Sophia here.
    I really like your blog post because of the color and the description.
    Next time you could add some more color to make it pop out more but overall it's really good!

    By Sophia

  2. Hi Kory I like this blog post analysis because it stands out of every blog post. I love the color of the blog post it makes it stand out and looks really appealing to the eye. Maybe Next time you could check your spelling and grammar but otherwise it's good.

  3. Nice job Kory. I really like how you made an analysis, very cool. maybe next time you could check your spelling and capital letters because i found stuff like mak instead of make, who instead of how and a bunch of lowercase I's. why did you choose those colors for the post? keep up the good work, Bye

  4. Hi Kory
    I like how you done your blog analysis on how much blog post you have done.
    I also like how you made a graph about how much you have done.
    Maybe next time make sure your spelling makes sense. overall good Job

  5. Hi Kory,
    fantastic job with your blog post. I think you should add how and what your going to do to achieve your goal. Maybe next time you should reread your text and look for spelling problems.


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