
Thursday, July 1, 2021



  1. Hey Kory,
    I really like your blog post of your climate change slideshow.
    I also liked how you added the climate change game.
    Next time you could say that you have added the game and you could add a couple pictures to your slides

    By Sophia

  2. Hi Kory - I really liked the way you presented your Blog post on Climate Change. The slides were easy to read & contained some really interesting information. It is concerning about the effects a temperature rise has on water. Especially the facts you have outlined in your 3rd slide. What is one thing you think we could do to help reduce the damage to our environment? I also really like the message that is portrayed by the picture you have used at the end of your Google Slide. Keep safe. Jen TA (Awhi below)
    Awhi Token

  3. Hi Kory, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you kept it colourful with cool backgrounds and colourful fonts.

    Last year at technology I learnt about greenhouse gasses and air pollution.
    They're quite serious issues, aren't they?

    To improve, you could give definitions for some of the bigger words because there were some words in there that I didn't understand.

    What do you think is the biggest problem out of these?

    Cya later, keep it up!


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