
Friday, March 26, 2021

wave finder

this is my wave finder art



  1. we have been learning about the way finder

  2. I like your art it like life
    but more arty for it a word but it works.

  3. hello Kory, i like how you drawed it and then used colour, i like how you used the sun and the sky. maybe next time you could add people and colour on the white side. From Jacob.

  4. Nice job Kory, I like how you put all the people on the island. This reminds me about the kayaking trip I went on yesterday. Maybe next time you could check what you have written because its the wayfinder not the wavefinder and you got no capital letters and full stops. What was your favorite part of the story? keep up the good work, bye.

  5. Hey Kory your art is really cool and colourful. I love the way you drew the island, I agree with Jacob on this one Because it would of been a lot more cooler if the background wasn't white. It makes me think of When I went to the beach and got stung by a jellyfish!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good job Kory, I really like how colourful you made this art, it makes it really pop out. This reminds me of a boat I went on one time. Maybe next time you could add a background to your art, I think it would make it look even more cooler. What was your favourite part of the wayfinder story?


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