
Thursday, May 20, 2021

The wiggly monkey



  1. Hello kory i really like you pictures they are really funny. you used some really good adjectives in your sentences.

  2. Kia Ora kory. I really like the pictures because they are funny. I also like the descriptive.

  3. Hello kory i really like you pictures they are really funny. you used some really good adjectives in your sentences

  4. Hello Kory, this is an amazing post, this reminds me of this meme (uh oh stinky). Maybe next time you could add some description on what this is.
    I look forward to seing your next post.
    BYE 🤗🤗

  5. KIA Ora Kory
    I liked the way you added those pics.
    Next time you could keep the same sentience just add more adjectives nouns and verbs.
    Maybe you could add a bit more detail.

  6. this is really cool and it makes me wish I had vrchat so great job and some awesome adjectives but maybe next time tell me what wabby means?

    Bye from zac.


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