
Thursday, June 10, 2021

the colossal seas



  1. This post is awesome because you put a lot of thought into it and some great descriptive words in the sentences but next time you could work on a bit more spelling and more pictures but other than that this is a great post

    bye from zac p.s fnaf 4 is awesome!

  2. Kia ora Kory,
    This post is amazing because you put great discriptive words puchuation abreviation and so much more you did really well keep it up.
    maybe next time you could add a capatil letter on the last start on the sentence.
    From Josh<

  3. hi kory my name is lily and me and you are in the some class as me and i loved your writing i liked the 5th one thank you lots of love lily

  4. Mōrena Kory!
    This is a really great piece of writing! I like the way you have used lots of descriptive words. When I read it, I can picture the ship in my head. I wouldn't like to get zapped! What inspired you to write this?
    Miss Ribotton


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